Baraah Luhaid + Spokes Hub

Film and Documentary

Saudi Arabia remains one of the world’s most repressive countries for women where a man’s consent is obligatory for women to access basic human rights and many risk arrest or persecution. This has not stopped Baraah Luhaid from founding Saudi Arabia’s first gender-inclusive cycling community. “Spokes Hub” is the only running cycling shop with a cafe and workshops that cater to both men & women in the nation. As a cycling lover, Baraah Luhaid strives to get women to fight for their rights and her tool is cycling. On Baraah’s graduation, she faced rejection at multiple bike shops because no one wanted to hire a woman. This motivated her to establish a start-up that catered specifically for women, to inspire women worldwide.

Production Co: Mooi
Director and Photography: Shaun Pettigrew